• domingo, 05 de mayo de 2024
  • Actualizado 00:00

Opinión / El zurriago de Oteyzerena

El PAI nos hará libres

Por Carlos Jordán

Cója a su hijo y pídale que intente traducir o comprender este texto, o inténtelo por usted mismo, si no lo consigue necesitará urgentemente aprender inglés para comprender hasta qué punto pone en grave riesgo el PNV-Geroa Bai, sus secuaces en general y el Consejero Mendoza en particular su integridad como individuo libre que es.

We should believe in tolerance, that means everybody will tolerate your lifestyle so long as it remains peaceful and non-coercive to others. You can wear funny clothing, sport strange hairstyles, smoke (almost)whatever you wish, make love the way you want, worship in your own way and learn just only that you wish... it's your life to lead as you choose. Although I may not agree with some of your habits and choices, you still have the right to be you.

Also privacy should be jealously protected by the government to avoid people who peek over your fence, staring through your windows, sorting through your trash or searching about your private life. It should be part of respect to you as an autonomous individual capable of making your own decisions without the unsolicited "help" of myself or others (Of course, government respectful of individual freedom is always glad to help and offer advice if you ask though!). You won't find a sterling government trying to pry into your privacy taking decisions on your name.

But you can’t use the force of government! It never solves anything! Because most people do not understand is that this force of government will be used upon itself, not big corporations. If there was a free market, there would be no subsidies. Citizens are against fraud, correct? Then, politicians who use government to tax you for any reason are committing fraud against the electorate.

In fact, everyone should be asking the executive elected in parliament (not by the voters) to give us a break at tax time.                                                          

Todo lo escrito arriba es un adaptación de los múltiples textos de Gene Trosper que deja en evidencia las acciones totalitarias del nacionalismo en Navarra y Vasconia, es normal que el euskogobierno comandado por la presidenta anexionista Uxue Barcos quiera evitar que las nuevas generaciones tengan la habilidad de leer textos capaces de romper la doctrina del pensamiento único, recordemos que el consejero Mendoza tiene experiencia en implantar -fusil en mano- dictaduras...

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El PAI nos hará libres